Acronyms for Hilarity is a fun and creative game to play with your BFFs.
In Acronyms for Hilarity, players make up acronyms based on categories and letter combinations. The crazier the A, the greater the H! With countless categories and letter combinations, every AFH game is 100% fresh!
In each round, one player (AKA the Judge) chooses a category and rolls the lettered dice. After fate picks three letters, each player creates the world’s silliest, funniest, weirdest or most scandalous acronym to woo the Judge’s vote FTW!
Players take turns as the Judge, and the first person to win a pre-set number of rounds is proclaimed AFH VIP.
You’ll LOL! We promise.
Custom Lettered Dice
Custom 20-sided colored dice to allow 8,000 unique acronym combinations! The standard order of the acronym rolled is red, white, and blue, but feel free to get crazy and have the judge pick the acronym in any order to spice up the fun!
Category Cards
A total of 50 cards containing 11 different topics, each with 3 subcategories, as well as 6 WILD cards. This allows each round's judge the opportunity to pick the direction of the acronym the players will try to create! In conjunction with the randomness of the dice, the respones are virtually endless!
Player Response Notepads
Each player has a notepad where they write the round's acronym letters and their one of a kind response. These answer sheets rotate through the players during the game keeping everyone involved and are evidence of all the ludicrous answers that were thought up!